Portfolio of sites created with Redesign CMS

Showcasing site builder features and design examples

Articles with embeded external content: web pages or media like YouTube, Twitter, Pinterest, Imgur

Sites and articles with multiple images, inline-images or remarkable image integration

Sites with a Wufoo inquiry form built in

Examples of content integration in other websites or on other hosts, for instance, as landing pages and hosted on the publisher website

Examples of custom Google Maps embedded in articles

Sites with Algolia InstantSearch which is useful if content is segmented into many articles

Smaller, simple single-page sites, often used as landing pages or summary pages

Redesign CMS sites without a page filter where the entire content is displayed

Articles with Google Street View or Google Photo Sphere

Articles with one or more HTML5 video players

Sites with a Slick slider

Sites with an HTML slider. Slides may contain text paragraphs, images or even video players

Sites with full-width video embeds